Abdulwahid Sherif
Mr. Abdulwahid may seem serious, but he comes from a place of love and compassion. You can feel the intensity he has for greatness and quality. Not just quality of his incredibly clean natural coffee, but quality of life. He took the premiums from last year's harvest and put them to what our importing team deemed necessary: a school for the kids who live on the farm, clean and accessible drinking water, new washrooms, and more patio space for his coffees to dry. Additionally, he built new guest quarters for those of us who don’t want to have to trek back to Jimma or Bonga after the long trip out to visit his farm.
Kossa Geshe is a farm after our hearts. It is the definition of lush, with giant tree limbs jutting through the air like spider webs, a stream cutting through the land providing clean, freshwater, and wildlife of all ilks flourishing alongside the beautiful coffee trees.